Monday, November 15, 2021 – Miami

This was, without a doubt, my best day of game ever. I believe RSD Tyler had a line about some days where you get a glimpse of what your future in Game could be like… this was one of those days.

Daygame – 7 approaches, instadate with Swedish/Russian 19yo, FIRST EVER instapull + close with Argentinian 19yo

Instapull + Close

19 year old tall blonde Argentinian, towering over me in 3″ heels. I approach her with good tonality and just the right amount of cold reading/teasing for her archetype. She starts giggling immediately, I probe logistics fast and say “I was about to grab a coffee if you want to come join me”. She wants to learn English so I speak to her mostly in English, I build comfort by telling her how I lived abroad many times so I know what its like to not speak a language that well. She just moved to Miami three weeks ago with her family.

We sit down at the coffee place, but she’s distracted looking at her phone and I’m like shit… this girl may be annoying/uninterested. I break rapport and look at my phone as well. I call out her behavior with a line I ripped right from Todd V: “We’re like a married couple that hate each other so much they just bury their heads in their phones.” After that she puts her phone down – turns out her dad is super annoying and calls/texts asking where she is every 5 minutes. We vibe about that cause my parents were kinda like that as well.

I ask her about Argentinian guys, she hates them: “they just want sex”. I run a straight Ultimate Man Project routine: “I like a connection first, I used to jump into bed on Tinder and girls would invite me over directly, and – don’t get me wrong, I did it, but the sex is never good”. I ask if she uses Tinder she goes “yeah :)” and she wants to open her phone to show me, as she does that I fucking see an Instagram DM from some clearly local Miami guy: “fuck yeah baby, loved degrading you and spanking your ass so hard it was red”, I was like OHHH SHIT ITS ON, I pretend not to look as she clears the notifications. She opens Tinder and it’s chad after chad after chad, all with shirts off. I tease her and say “ooh i know your type, you just like me for my body”. She qualifies “I didn’t even look at your body!”

We go hard on sex talk for 15 minutes or so. I do the UMP type routine, she straight up says she likes aggressive guys (hilarious, she’s doing the work for me). I say “yep thats what I was gonna say”, then I do the whole “men don’t know how to please a woman” routine e.g. they’re only looking out for themselves, women deserve orgasms etc. I tell her I always attract submissive girls cause of the energy I put out. I tell her my story of a girl trying to dominate me once and how it was the worst sex of my life.

I bust out the “Do Argentinian men judge women for sleeping around” routine as well (basically used every damn UMP routine in the book) painting myself as chill, non-judgmental, and non-needy.

I qualify her “I don’t like Argentinian girls but you don t seem like a typical one, I like it”.

I run my “I always attract bisexual girls” routine. she says she likes girls but has never been with one, I say “maybe we’ll find one together, but that comes later 😉” and she laughs. I tell her the story of losing my virginity in a hostel in Barcelona and having the insane overconfidence to ask the girl as we’re about to do the deed if she wants to bring her bi friend in for a threesome.

At this point she’s having a hard time in English so we switch to Spanish for the rest of the date. She asks my sign, I say Gemini, she’s a Gemini as well, I go “damn we’re too similar, this won’t work out, you are attractive though, let’s be friends 😉”. I ask her what type of music she likes, planning to seed listening to music back at my place. She likes reggaetón, we talk about that for a little bit. I probe her logistics and find out she lives with her brother and parents, then I tell her I live close and I live alone. I feel like it’s on so I just straight up pitch: “You wanna go listen to some reggaetón? you can show me some for like 15 minutes. you cant stay long though :)” Shes into it: “sk’go”.

I swing through the pull with more chitchat never letting her think about where she’s going. It’s a five minutes walk to my place. We start listening to reggaetón, about 15 minutes in she says something bratty and I grab the back of her head – wasn’t even planning to make out, rather just do a dominant move – but she immediately puts her lips towards mine and its on. Little bit of making out, she feels my hard dick and she says “You wanna go to your bed? :)” God I love straightforward girls.

Later I quiz her about her sexual history: this girl is an absolute freak, she’s done a ton of MMF threesomes and even a foursome with three of her male classmates where she dressed up as a schoolgirl for them. Wants badly to find a girl for her first MFF threesome, and she asks me if I know any I should let her know and we can have fun. I ask her when she knew she was going to fuck me, she said when I invited her to listen to reggaetón.

She has to go meet her family so I lead her out, not before pinning her up against the wall for one final makeout to make her give me those Bambi eyes, then she says “get my Instagram and if you’re interested whenever let’s do this again :)” Already texted her saying that was fuego and open looped her saying I have some more surprises in store for next time.


I was riding high on a wave of confidence so I wasted no time in hitting the streets again.

As I’m riding my bike around, I see a girl sitting on a bench talking on the phone, but she’s one of those girls that are so hot you have to approach anyway. As I go up, I realize it was the same 19 year old blonde Swedish/Russian beaut, even hotter than the Argentinian girl, that I had approached earlier in the afternoon. I had tried to pull her at that time but she said “My family would kill me if they see me with a guy and I’m kind of waiting for them right now… how about later today?” I took her number, but meanwhile I was so busy with the Argentinian, I barely noticed that she had texted me saying “hey my family’s leaving me home alone tomorrow so lets do tomorrow instead :)” – I never replied.

So I rock up and she recognizes me, I give her the ol “I’m watching you” hand signal since she’s on the phone, and she whispers “I’m on the phone with my best friend.” Naturally my move is to grab the phone and say “Let me talk to her!” Turns out her best friend is a Russian guy and doesn’t speak English. I say like three words in Russian and she takes the phone back and tells him she has to go. BOOM, now I’m on an Instadate with this girl. We only had about 40 minutes because she had to get back to her family. She’s so goddamn Disney… I don’t think I’ve ever been with a girl this Disney in my life. Comfort, comfort, comfort. She is hanging on every word I say; I’m telling telling DHV story after DHV story but also calibrating it making it relatable to her, shes like “omg im so boring” “your life is amazing” “I’m just a boring Swedish girl 🙂 :)”

The best part was I did the UMP submissive cold reads again and she bit so hard. It was EXACTLY like in the infield of Alex Lindberg and the Hungarian girl sitting on the bench, she just kept being amazed at how I was reading her, then I pulled her hair right there. But she’s mega comfort so I pulled back and just kept projecting future plans, told her I make friends with a lot of the girls I date and help them out in their careers and teach them about finances etc, said I don’t do one night stands and I always want to see the person again if the sex is good.

I didn’t kiss cause I didn’t want to give her ASD. We set up plans for tomorrow afternoon to meet her outside her hotel after her parents leave.


I was honestly so amped up I even wanted to jet over to Wynwood and do nightgame but word about the campfire is that it’s not that good on Mondays, so I spent a couple hours jerking myself off to wings/mentors/this blog about my great day.

Here’s to many more.

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