Saturday, November 20, 2021 – Miami

Daygame – 42 approaches, 10 numbers (in four and a half hours)

This actually ended up being one of my highest-volume days ever, spurred on by the fact that I approached a lot of 2-sets.

All of the numbers are either weak or I wasn’t that interested in the girl anyway. Would honestly not meet up with more than a few of the girls.

I’m being very consistent with probing logistics/trying to instadate within minutes now. Only one of the girls was both interested and logistically available and I didn’t feel that strongly about her, so I just grabbed the number.


Bought tickets to Space at H’s suggestion. Was told it was more of a late night spot so we needed somewhere to start the early part of the night. He suggested Marion but it seems to be reservation-only.

I headed to Komodo, which is fast-becoming my spot here. Was a little surprised to have a new doorman give me trouble because I’m a single guy (it was like 11:15 and there were 15 people in the club). I namedropped another doorman’s name and he let me in – one thing I do when I go to a new city is ask and write down the name of everyone I can who works at that club, and repeat them often. Apparently you typically need to bring at least one girl or have a table. I bounced for a bit between the downstairs bar, which was pretty packed, and the lounge itself. The restaurant and bar were packed with some of the hottest women I’ve ever seen in one place in my life.

I got opened by a tall Russian fox who turned to me and rubbed my head walking by. I playfully poked her and followed her and her two friends out of the restaurant. I pulled her in and started flirting, turned to the friends “Is she always like this?” Frame battle ensues. She says “You have to beg for my number,” I say “Oh, I think you’re going to be the one doing the begging here.” As she’s leaving I slap her ass, she turns around and smacks my face. These two guys walking by thought it was hilarious, I just laugh and say “Russian girls…”

Back in line for the lounge, I start talking two these two sisters visiting and they immediately think I’m some expert on nightlife here and latch onto me. Hilariously, they want to use me to get into Komodo! So I of course make a big deal to the doorman about how I’ve bought my two female friends with me. Tfw you’re better at social proofing venues than actually pulling girls. I burned Komodo and H told me he was going to Mynt back in Miami Beach. I didn’t want to bike 30 minutes in the wrong direction so I just headed to Space early.

In line at Space and I start making line friends. Talked to some British guy that also speaks Chinese and we were trying to find him a girl he could act like he was with to get in. I turn around and there’s this petite Asian girl 20 feet behind us just oozing with sexual energy. I indicate her with my head and go “maybe she’s Chinese, you should go talk to her.” Immediately I can see this girl make a face. I head back and say “Why that face?” (This and “Why that look?” were some of my main openers last night off of IOIs). She says she knows we’re talking about her. Start teasing and found out she’s Filipina. I’m running great game and she’s eating it up. Grab her number to maybe link up later.

Get inside the club and it’s awesome. It’s a space-themed techno joint with three huge main areas and sweet decor. I like the music, too, and it’s not too loud. One of my goals for the night was to just open groups socially and then latch on to whatever girl shows the most interest. I did a great job of that tonight and didn’t get blown out of a single group set inside Space.

Notable sets here:

  • Opened a group of five Peruvian girls and immediately start getting cheered on to kiss their birthday friend. She’s like a 5.5 so I grab her contact for later.
  • Opened a solo college girl in a mixed 3-set. She’s into me immediately, but after a couple minutes her friend comes up saying she’s not feeling well and the girls run off to the bathroom. I see them downstairs and they’re leaving early. Grab the girl’s number but she lives in Boca Raton and is just home for Thanksgiving.
  • Hot Argentinian girl coming back from the bathroom. She has to get back to her friends and #-closes me. I take a photo of us for her contact (which is of course dumb because we’ll be talking using WhatsApp).
  • Chilean singer in Miami for a few months with her brother. We have a comfort-filled Spanish conversation with a bit of flirting for like 10 minutes, she ejects to go find the brother and says “I like you a lot for a gringo… cause you’re not very gringo.” I get her number and she says she’ll find me later.

Opened like 20-25 sets and there were a couple more that went well but I never got to the point of isolation with any of them. Lots more sets hooked than usual.

Tried to find the hot Filipina girl from line. She had gotten pulled to a table. Opened one of the girls at the table trying to edge my way in but it didn’t work. Never saw her again the rest of the night.

Ran into the Peruvian birthday girl again. It was late so I figured I’d try to pull to see what happened. I ask her if I could steal her from her friends and if they’d be jealous. We went to another part of the club and I pulled her in while I locked in against a wall. I tried to build some comfort but she didn’t want to talk much. Started seeding the pull. Made out a little bit. More seeding of the pull. She wasn’t that into the pull. She said she had to get back to her friends. Let her go.

Tried to find the Chilean girl again and couldn’t. Finally left the club just after 4 AM and it was still going strong. Fun experience but I won’t be going back to Space – I just can’t afford to not sleep and lose out on valuable daygame hours. It seems very hard to pull from there before 4, and there’s no re-entry which is booty.

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