Sunday, November 28, 2021 – Miami

Daygame – 7 approaches, 2 numbers + 1 date, no pull

Completely worn out and oversexed today after staying up all night banging the Belarusian girl who left Miami today. I find that if I come inside a girl 3-5x within a week, I lose interest in sex almost completely and get complacent. Previously this would lead to me abandoning Tinder, now I feel like it might lead to me abandoning daily approaching — my goal is not to let that happen.

That being said, had a much pickier/shorter session today. I got going late and actually didn’t find the volume that great, which is weird for Sundays. There were also at least 5-6 other PUAs hunting on Lincoln Rd.


I had met this girl from the Bay Area (always a bad sign) holding a skateboard while I was at the gym yesterday. She was actually stacked after the Belarusian girl, but obviously that got cancelled. She suggested today instead.

Taught her how to skateboard for like 30 minutes. Her energy was kinda nervous/earnest/frenetic. She had been in Miami for a little bit and had only a few days left. We sat down on a bench, she leaves some distance between us (always a good sign a girl’s not down). She skirted around sexual topics when I attempt to steer the convo in that direction. Asked her if she met anyone in the month she was in Miami. gives some BS “oh I really just had a lot of self growth this month I wasn’t really looking for anything”. She also at some point during the date says “I found my faith recently…”

After 45 minutes I was pretty sure she was a timewaster, so I was just like… fuck it: “I’d love to continue this conversation with you somewhere more private. I live close by if you want to go back for like 15 minutes or so.” She says “…no. I appreciate you asking though!”

I have NEVER left a date that fast. I quickly go “OK let’s end it here. Great to meet you!” and I SPRINT away, cackling to myself like this is the last image this broad sees of me, just sprinting away from the date after she rejected the pull.

I crack myself up.

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