Monday, May 20, 2024 – New York City

Was eating hot pot with Lean going over some of his feedback from the tainted half-Guyanese set from the previous day when suddenly I got booty called — again.

I really swear this never happens, I do.

The girl in question I had approached twice and she had ghosted both times. Once in August of last year and once in March. She’s a bimbo big booty latina who does lash extensions.

I called her and pitched a drink after her “free tonight” text. She was all the way Uptown and it took her over an hour to get here.

I re-listened to the original set when I was waiting for her to arrive and I had the feeling this was going to be a timewaster. She just seemed horribly broken.

She showed up with a ton of lip filler, lip gloss, and a tight top with tons of cleavage hanging out, like she had put in effort for this.

She claimed she was hanging out with “people” and the people didn’t want to go out and do anything. She had had a tough winter and was ready to start taking charge so she texted me because she had randomly thought of me the other day.

I pitched rooftop and led her inside my place. About a minute in she asked if we were going to go up bad sign if the girl mentions your actual pitch instead of just wanting to hang out with you anywhere). We went up to the rooftop and sat.

This girl was even more horrifically broken. She started dumping about her life. Her business wasn’t going well. No friends here. Family back home doesn’t really care about her. When she makes plans with people they just reject and ghost her.

She wasn’t returning any of my kino and shirked back when I touched her hair. I knew it was over and suggested we go downstairs. I tried once more on the couch. She turned to me and asked what we should talk about:

Why did you come here? Do you think this is a platonic thing?
— Oh yes, I’m not looking for anything like that.
You realize that when you text a guy at 10:30 and the plan is to get drinks, after that guy approached you on the street twice, there’s an implication behind that?
— You thought I was here to hook up?
There’s an implication.
— This happens to you?
Occasionally, yes.
— OK… I can get going.
I feel bad that you had to spend an hour to get here, but I’m not going to just be a friend to someone I’m attracted to.
— I understand.

She left and I got my sleep. It was 1:08 AM, 30 minutes since I met her at the subway station.

I’ve said this before: many broken women in this world, and broken women have boundary issues (such as confusing friends and sex.) Unfortunately there’s a selection bias daygame filters for the lonely girl walking around, who will then meet up because she doesn’t have friends. All you can do is roll with the punches.

6 thoughts on “Monday, May 20, 2024 – New York City

  1. Lucky Luke

    I’ve had several similar interactions over the last couple of months and it never ever makes sense, like why would a girl with such a crazy laycount refuse to sleep with one more guy who for sure is far ahead of MANY of guys she’s slept with and act like she’s a saint ?

    I’m cool when an innocent girl rejects sex, furious when these chicks refuse to go further with me.


  2. How important is having a rooftop at my apartment building for pulling and logistics? I am debating between a smaller studio (with a better view but without a rooftop) vs a larger studio (with a view of another building next door but with better amenities and a fancy rooftop). The larger studio costs $250 more a month.


    1. That’s not really that important, guys tend to sperg about that stuff when it doesn’t really matter (for example, best daygamer in NYC closes majority of girls in his car, parks, bushes, public bathrooms).

      But just for personal taste, I don’t recommend lights over 3000 Kelvin color temperature, and always have alcopops in the fridge.


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