Friday, May 24, 2024 – New York City

This was the most nonstop action I can remember in a single day since the Miami days.

Met up with Miki in Soho just as it was dying. We ran our usual loop and to my surprise for Memorial day weekend (which is usually bad), the universe was drip-feeding me sets. There weren’t a ton, but they came at regular-enough intervals to keep me stimulated.

We walked through Washington Square park and I saw a ling with a cap, basic sweatshirt, and leggings. For some reason I got the urge to approach (maybe because of the gym fit), but as she sat down on a bench I could see how comfort she was and decided against it.

Did a couple more sets in the park and then headed to 14th.

Instadate with 21yo Queens dominican

I saw this 5 foot nothin, huge-ass huge-tits Dominican running into a store and stopped her. She grew up in Queens and just graduated from BMCC (community college in Manhattan). Currently unemployed, she has no real responsibilities and was on a big shopping trip. She was about to buy candy from the store, I said that’s unhealthy and pitched a drink in the park instead and she was down.

Walked her down to Tompkins Square Park, stepped into a bodega, asked her what she drinks, and she grabbed a Green Apple Beatbox out the cooler. I never had this flavor before but DAMN was it good! It was like drinking that candy she was about to buy anyway.

She doesn’t drink much and got kinda tipsy (I did as well honestly, shitz is 11.1% alcohol by volume). Everything was coming up green flags: she got out of a relationship a year ago, she’s not looking for anything right now, she just wants to have fun, she doesn’t like Dominican men because she knows the games they play. Slowly escalating kino, holding hands, stroking her neck.

I pitch the rooftop and she’s somewhat resistant. I lower compliance threshold by saying she has to behave and she can only stay for 15 minutes then I’m sending her home. She says fine because she has to go home soon anyway.

Get in the elevator, tons of tension. I grab those big hips and she pulls me in and starts making out with me. Damn. I break it off and we go inside. Show her the rooftop, she starts making out with me again, I pick her up, she wraps her legs around me. I lead her downstairs and she mentions “I should go home soon.” I just verbally agree. Downstairs I try to get her to dance but we start making out again. She says she should go home again. I agree and amplify again. I press her against the wall, kissing, start grabbing her tits, she again says she has to go home. This time I pause and ask why. She says it’s her aunt that she lives with, it’s a medical thing, the aunt has issues where she needs a caretaker all the time and her cousins went out and haven’t come back, so the aunt is texting her asking where she is.

Damn you, Dominican multi-family households!

She says we can do another time, but I immediately quash that and read her as an in-the-moment time girl, which she agrees with and says she probably wouldn’t meet up again. I tell her let’s enjoy right now, she lives two blocks away and I’ll get her home in 20 minutes. She says no it’s not that, she really wants to but… I say: “Oh you’re on your period.” She says she isn’t but is about to get it. I run the whole period routine saying I don’t care and solve that one but there’s still something else even though she’s sitting on my lap on the couch right now clearly wanting it.

She finally tells me she’s in a complicated situationship. I tell her that doesn’t have anything to do with me and her and what we are enjoying together. She understands but the guy and her promised not to fuck around with anyone else. I say he’s probably fucking other girls, she agrees but wants the moral high ground of just having made out with me and nothing more. I push a little more but it’s not happening. I noticed that she would get turned on every time I escalated so I tried dirty talking but she was just too resolute. She left on good terms.

My wings say the only way to get over this one would be to checkmate: get her to the bed and just keep plowing and see what happens. I could see that potentially working but it would have been dicey and she did verbally say no a lot. I’m fine with having lost this one, especially considering what happened next.

After she left I immediately rushed down the stairs and Citibiked back to Astor Place. It was around 9 PM and I spammed a few sets that were going to dinner/drinks to get myself in the mindset. Decided that Washington Square Park would be the move as that might have the highest chance of girls doing nothing who wanted to be pulled.

Instadate with 26yo Taiwanese ultra-comfort FOB

On my way there, who do I see but the baseball cap and leggings “comfort ling” from before in the park! I have to do it this time. To my surprise, she’s immediately wide-eyed and receptive. I don’t often approach lings of this archetype (very basic, no edge at all). I cold read her as a gym girl but it turns out she’s just wearing the clothing, she was planning to start at the gym that day but her student membership didn’t work yet so she just went to the park instead.

She’s a masters student at NYU, 26 years old, though she has the innocent wide-eyed vibe of an undergrad freshman so I thought she was 18 at first. Once she tells me she’s from Taiwan I light up and tell her it’s my favorite country in the world and I tell her about my previous trip. This really solidified the bond initially.

She has no plans and I ask her if she drinks, surprisingly she says yes (most lings don’t), so I pitch drinks in the park. Hilariously, I walk her to Tompkins again, go into the exact same bodega (ock must think I’m wilin’ at this point), this time we get a White Claw cause fuck sugar. Take her to the park and she really takes to the White Claw Mango, we split but she drinks most of it by herself. She claims she rarely drinks and has never been drunk so I imagine she got a bit tipsy here as well.

Her English is not good at all so I supplement sometimes with Chinese and ask her to explain in Chinese monologues at times which I maybe 50% understand. I find out it’s because she mostly hangs out with other Taiwanese (her two roommates) and doesn’t mix with locals that much. I ask if she has a preference for Asian guys vs. white guys, she doesn’t. She had a boyfriend back home whom she broke up with to come here one year ago. She has an Indian orbiter in her grad program. She also said a local white guy asked her out in her apartment gym but she didn’t like it because he wanted her to come straight to his room (?!). She classified him as a “bad guy” and used that term many times in our discussion, especially around me — she was trying to figure out if I was a “good guy or a bad guy”.

Basically the frame of the instadate was her complete innocence and stereotypes around Americans, danger, sex, etc. She was very, very FOB and this was a brand new experience for her. I tried to build as much comfort as possible but it was an uphill battle with her cultural background. Not only does she not hang out with Americans, she’s currently drinking with one in the park who’s inviting her to his rooftop.

Eventually she says OK after multiple pinky promises that she was not in danger and I was not going to kill her. This girl was a classic overthinker. On the way back I basically try to frame control all this telling her not to believe what she sees in the media and that most guys are actually fine.

Get her to the threshold of my apartment door and she stays outside and kind of peers in. I just stay patient and finally she comes in and takes her shoes off. I offer to show her the roof but she’s too scared to even go up the stairs which is hilarious, I’ve never had a girl actually say this before.

The next hour is basically this frame battle over and over. I give her the entire apartment tour, down to every painstaking detail, I sit her down on the couch, I ask her what else she wants to know about me, but it’s hard because her English is so bad and she’s clamming up out of anxiety. Hilariously she asks me when my last relationship was and what my last time “doing sex” was. I answer the first and skip the second, then turn the question back on her. Turns out she was doing something casual with someone in her friend group for two months last year.

We talk about sex for a bit. I can tell she’s just still uncomfortable. I give her an ultimatum: “I would love for you to stay and I think we’re having fun, but I don’t want to fight you all night. If you’re uncomfortable I totally understand if you want to leave.” She asks again if she can leave at any time and we pinky promise on it.

She wonders how she’s going to get home and I say subway, or I’ll get her an Uber or Lyft, or she can stay over. She then wonders how she’s going to remove her makeup if she stays over. She asks if I have makeup removal wipes. We look up makeup removal tutorials on YouTube, turns out olive oil works. Maybe I should buy makeup removal wipes and just store them around in case this happens again. First time anyone has ever asked though. Maybe only Asian girls care about this, I feel like other girls just go to sleep in their makeup (and sometimes stain my pillowcases, to think of it).

We went through several more rounds of objection handling. I asked her if she wanted to take a shower, I offered her towels. She asks me if I’m a patient person. I tell her I am, but only if what’s on the other end is worth it.

Eventually I finally decide to escalate. I stand her up and start kissing her neck and she starts moaning lightly. I go for the mouth and she’s, as expected, a terrible kisser. Barely opens her mouth. I lead her into the bedroom and then go to the bathroom and chomp a corner off some sildenafil — I know I’m going to need it because there’s going to be many stops and starts.

She breaks the tension multiple times, causing me to lose my erection. When I open my condoms drawer, she stops and says “wait why do you have condoms there?!” I get frustrated with her and tell her we’re taking a break.

This girl exhibited all the traits of the only other Taiwanese girl I’ve been with (when I was in Taiwan). Breaking tension all the time, not able to live in the moment. She often gave me that wide-eyed fish look that FOBs often give when they’re inexperienced. Finally after a while I just started dirty talking her constantly, which she liked, and I was able to get hard and fuck her. Of course she could barely take anything at all.

Bottom five sexual experiences of all time, but it had to happen.

FOB Asians, not even once. I’m convinced any guy who specifically likes these girls just can’t get anyone else.

I’m not mad though, it was a fun experience in patience and comfort-building. But the juice was not worth the squeeze, just had to get it over with.

I walked her to the subway and sent her on her way.

What a day. Instadate -> pull -> fail, five minutes after returning to the streets, instadate -> pull -> win.

Something has happened with my Game. I’m converting at a much higher rate this year than can be explained by random variance. I can’t even see the changes, but they must have accumulated over time. I’m somewhat of a skeptical with this stuff, I figured I was just destined to convert the same way forever, but improving my Game truly does seem to be making a difference.

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