Thursday, February 8, 2024 – New York City

Lean and I have established a solid daygame rhythm. For the past 11 nights in a row, we’ve finished work, he’s scooped me on his drive into Manhattan, and we’ve daygamed straggler hours (7:30-11:30 PM).

Despite many days with few sets and little results, our mentality has remained very positive. In fact, I think this is the best I’ve felt daygaming in my career. I feel mostly in flow, in control, and feel like I’m unbothered by results and simply focusing on process.

Staying positive has been important because neither of us has struck gold yet in this period of consistency. Lean pulled a girl to his car and got a blowjob after a 20 minute set, and we both got some solid numbers, but no lays.

Until today.

I saw this fashion arthoe-ish girl walking in Astor Place wearing a long black coat, sweatpants, and AirForce 1s. I immediately gestured to Lean to open because it looked like his type, but he said he didn’t want it, so I went after her.

Other than her height (5’8″), I immediately noticed her brilliant green eyes, reminiscent of the Afghan Girl photograph from National Geographic. Indeed, she was Afghan-American, likely Tajik as she had the long midface and distinctive nose almost like an Iranian.

She carried a camera slung around her and nervously explained she had been walking around and taking photos. She had a difficult time with eye contact and seemed to be all over the place. I called this out, and she explained she frequently had “nervous energy”. She was more preoccupied with looking for a bathroom than talking to me.

I stayed in set, though, and kept figuring out her logistics. She was 26, from Queens, living with her parents, and had escaped for a joint and long walk around Manhattan, maybe to see if she could get into a fashion week event. She showed me some random alcohol she had in her purse, and at the moment I stopped her, she was thinking of maybe smoking some hookah. I suggested we get a drink instead and I would find her a bathroom, and she accepted.

I knew this was going to be such a waste of time. This girl was not right. Every timewaster vibe that could be given, this girl was giving it. It’s not a good idea to pitch an instadate when you don’t have control of the frame like this, but I figured I’d stick in at least until we found a bathroom and figure out what the deal was.

Since I thought the frame was fucked, I immediately stopped caring and just started teasing her, which she’d laugh and deflect. Took her to a hidden bathroom spot where we pull girls sometimes, and then started walking her in the direction of Tompkins Square Park, because I wasn’t about to take this girl into a venue and pay for a drink.

We sat down and she took one of her plastic shot bottles and continued being spacey and random. She would drift off the times that I said anything about myself, and didn’t ask me a single question about me. I called this out, of course. I diagnosed her with ADD and she said she thought I was right.

After 10 minutes, I had enough. I grabbed her hand and told her that I found her interesting, but I was going to head home, and I would invite her, but it seemed like she was in a mood and I didn’t know if she would be up for it. She didn’t rule it out, just mentioned that she had to work tomorrow, but not until 12PM. I asked if she wanted to see a rooftop view and she said yes.

I walked her back to my place. Didn’t go up to the rooftop, just sat her down in the living room. Finally, she asked me the first question about me: “How are you?” This girl was so awkward. I was beginning to realize that she wasn’t just weird tonight, she was always like this. Her parents were conservative and sheltered her growing up, and she had gotten out of a six year relationship five months ago.

Despite all of my observations to the contrary, she did not put up any blockers to kino. Finally, I stood her up, she flopped a bit, and started kissing her.

No resistance to anything else.

It was one of the most unexpected lays I’ve had. From approach to my apartment in less than an hour, yet it felt like nothing was going to happen… up until the end when it did.

Post-coitus, I quizzed her why she went home with me: “It was fun, and I was learning stuff…” Yes, Uncle Pancake was teaching this lost soul about the world.

Not sure what was learned here, other than that if you have the time, you might as well stick in set every once in a while, because your instincts might be wrong.

3 thoughts on “Thursday, February 8, 2024 – New York City

  1. Swe

    I recognise myself in many of your posts. Many interactions last maybe 20 secs or so. My openers are usually:

    • “Was it you dancing salsa last Saturday? She was kinda pretty, same height, … ” And I improvise from there. Consider it value demonstration as well as inconspicuous way of starting talking.
    • “Nice jacket, but mine is prettier [it almost always is] *smirk*” They often laugh and agree.

    My openers are ok I think, my problem is building attraction. My contact closes rarely lead to something, they simply are uninterested. It could be height/not-chad, 170 cm, I don’t get the IOIs that I see tall guys get at bars. For some reason, after 2-5 minutes of talking, the girl concludes “I’m not interested.”

    What do you talk about/lines/do to build attraction that makes the interaction longer/builder a better connection?


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